
The Rural Community Council for Kent and Medway

Village Shops and Post Offices

Many rural communities have suffered from a reduction in local businesses and services in recent years. Village shops, post offices, pubs and garages have closed. In agriculture, too, traditional types of employment have disappeared due to changes in farming methods. Villages face becoming dormitories for nearby towns and having no local services of their own.  We have created an organisation called KARR (Kent Association for Rural Retailers) and work very closely with the Post Office to sustain or in some cases develop new Post Office services.


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We can help communities to assess the need for services and to plan projects in response to that need. This can help develop a sustainable local economy for the benefit of all who live there. We can provide information on grants available for regeneration projects and on best practice already taking place in Kent.

We advise on all aspects of retaining and improving village shops and post offices and on many other local services. For more information contact Sean Carter on either 01622 672667or 07946 302824

or email:

For more information submit an enquiry, or request an information pack.