
The Rural Community Council for Kent and Medway

Frequently Asked Questions – Parish Plans

What is a Parish Plan?
A parish plan is a community led project which surveys the community, based on consultation with the community; it identifies the aspects which are valued by the community.  It also identifies the issues of concern and results in an action plan which sets out how you will address the key issues identified, protect those features which are valued and aims to work with external agencies to deliver the action plan.

How much funding can we get?
You are able to access a maximum of £1400 towards the cost of undertaking a parish plan.  You will need to find match funding in order to access a Colyer-Fergusson grant.

What sort of costs are we likely to incur?
The cost of producing a parish plan varies and it largely depends on the size of your parish.  You will need to pay for hall hire for committee meetings, the printing of leaflets and questionnaires, the printing of the action plan, and other items such as paper, printing, ink and postage. 

Can we pay volunteers for their time on the parish plan project?
No, you are not permitted to use your grant funding to pay individual volunteers who work on the parish plan.  A key aspect of parish plans is the reliance on volunteers who will coordinate the process but they are not able to receive payment for their time and effort.

Who else has done a parish plan in my local area?
Please select here for a link to our parish plan web page. 

How long will it take to complete a parish plan?
This very much depends on the time that volunteers have to spend on the parish plan.  On average it takes about 18 months to complete the process with a group meeting approximately once per month.

How can I get help?
We can give you free advice and assistance with all aspects and stages of the parish plan process such as gaining volunteers from your community to form a steering group for the project, consulting your community using a variety of techniques including questionnaires and open days.  We can also introduce you to other parishes who have been there and done it. 
Please contact us to discuss your needs.  By telephone: 01303 850816 or